Annual events of the Eigenji temple
Jan./01 Parishioners pay a visit to the Eigenji on New Year's Day
Priests pray parishioners' safety e.t.c in the morning (`3)
Jan./04 Priests greet representatives in their houses
Jan./11 The cutting and eating of a round rice cake,
which is served to the Buddhist on New Year's.
Feb./01 Memorial service in honor of Buddha's death in the evening (`14)
Feb./08 Seshin (Zazen practice in honor of Buddha's death `14)
Feb./15 Nehan-e (mass memorial sevice in honor of the Buddha's death)
Mar./18 The vernal equinoctial week (`24)
Mar. Large Baika's chorus meeting (Baika means Soto sect's songs)
Apr./15 Major meeting for the Godness of Mercy
May./08 The Flower Festival (Buddha's birthday festival)
May./30 Representative's meeting
Jun. Yoka primary school students visit Eigenji
Jul./07 Parishioners visit the priest's new living quarters.
Jul./23 Zazen meeting for primary school students
Aug./01 Segaki-e
(memorial service for ghouls and parishioners' ancestors in the night `6)
Aug./08 Tanagyo (Sutra recitation in each parishioner's houses `13)
Aug./15 Mass Segaki-e
(memorial service for ghouls and the dead peaple in the latest year)
Aug./24 Jizoh-e (Memorial service for Jizoh, guardian deity of water children)
Aug./28 Memorial service for Dogen
(who made the Japanese Soto sect in the early 13th century)
Sep./20 The autumnal equinoctial week (`26)
Oct./05 Memorial service for Bodai Dharma (who made the Zen sect)
Oct./09 Memorial service for Tokugai Sodou
(who is the first chief priest of the Eigenji)
Dec./01 Seshin (Zazen practice `08)
Dec./08 Johdoh-e (memorial service for Buddha's reaching of enlightenment)
Dec./20 Building's cleaning, preparation of the New Year, Making rice cakes (`30)
Dec./31 Sutra recitation in the end of the year
The tolling of the temple bells 108 times on New Year's Eve

The events to the present in the Eigenji

26 October ,2002
Opening ceremony of the priest's new living quarters@and
The 26th chief priest's memorial service in the Eigenji main temple
October, 2002`June, 2001 The record of building the priest's new living quarters
July 29, 2001 Tokudo ceremony(Keishu Sasaki became a priest)