History of the Eigenji temple
‚P‚U‚R‚S Tuzan Etetu built a priest's inn, and named it Eigen.
‚P‚U‚V‚R Tokugai Sodoh (the 4th chief priest of the Yohgenji temple in Toyooka) noticed the Eigenji temple. The Eigenji temple became a branch temple of Yogenji temple.
*It takes 40 minutes from the Eigenji temple to the Yohgenji temple by car.
Yohshitu Renjyu (the second chief priest of the Eigenji temple) built a main temple and a priest's living quarter's and established Kohsyozan-Eigenji temple.
‚P‚U‚V‚T Buddha's statue was contributed by Nishimura Sohbei.
‚P‚U‚W‚T Geshin Kohshun (the third chief priest of the Eigenji temple) built the bell tower.
‚P‚U‚X‚W Geshin Kohshun (the third chief priest of the Eigenji temple) made the Burakuji temple's ground map .
‚P‚V‚O‚U Geshin Kohshun (the third chief priest of the Eigenji temple) became the 7th chief priest of the Yohgenji temple by a Yohgenji temple's request.
Geshin Kohshun (the third chief priest of the Eigenji temple) found the Burakuji temple in Yoka.
*It takes 5 minutes from the Eigenji temple to the Burakuji temple by car.
Geshin Kohshun (the third chief priest of the Eigenji temple) built a Godness of Mercy hall and a Sarasvati hall in Burakuji temple ground.
‚P‚V‚R‚O Gangoku Kankei (the 8th chief priest of the Eigenji temple) built a stone pillar on the front approach to the Eigenji temple.
‚P‚V‚U‚O Daigyu Sohon (the 12th chief priest of the Eigenji temple) made a "Unpan".
*gUnpanh is a metal board with a cloud shape in priest's living quarters, and is used for telling time.
‚P‚V‚U‚R Daigyu Sohon (the 12th chief priest of the Eigenji temple) completed a main temple.
‚P‚W‚Q‚S The temple name became the Rokuonzan Eigenji temple.
‚P‚W‚W‚O The Eigenji took on the responsibility for the Ohmori's guardian deity of children chapel.
*Ohmori is a part of Yoka town area.
‚P‚W‚W‚Q Shohzan Manpoh (the 21th chief priest of the Eigenji temple) built a stone wall around the Eigenji temple ground and a temple gate.
‚P‚W‚X‚T Shohgan Mokutyu (the 22th chief priest of the Eigenji temple) completed a Godness of Mercy hall
‚P‚X‚Q‚O Minpou Ian (the 24th chief priest of the Eigenji temple) leveled a part of the hill behind the Eigenji and built the mortuary tablet chapel
‚P‚X‚R‚S The main temple was damaged by the Muroto typhoon.
It was rebuilt from ruin from October.
‚P‚X‚R‚W Tenrei Tokumon (the 25th chief priest of the Eigenji) completed a main temple.
‚P‚X‚T‚O Tenrei Tokumon (the 25th chief priest of the Eigenji) rebuilt the bell tower.
‚P‚X‚V‚T Shougaku Chitoh (the 26th chief priest of the Eigenji) placed the 16 images of Buddha's disciples in the rocky tract behind the Eigenji and had a memorial service for Tokugai Sodoh (the first chief priest of the Eigenji).
‚P‚X‚W‚Q Shougaku Chitoh (the 26th chief priest of the Eigenji) built a stone wall on the east side of the Eigenji and a detached building and a library.
‚P‚X‚X‚U Bokushou Shinzen (the 27th chief priest of the Eigenji) built a new building "The Enzukaku" (the Zazen hall in the second floor, the multipurpose hall in the first floor, a garage and a PC room in the basement) a parking lot and a front approach to the Eigenji.
1999 Bokushou Shinzen (the 27th chief priest of the Eigenji) built a new Sutra hand-copying tower.
‚Q‚O‚O‚O Bokushou Shinzen (the 27th chief priest of the Eigenji) established a PC school
2002 Bokushou Shinzen (the 27th chief priest) built a priest's new living quarters. and repaired the tiles of the temple gate's roof and the mortuary tablet chapel.

The former abbots of the Eigenji